Tuesday, 3 June 2014

#9 Chicken Curry

I made this Chicken Curry yesterday during my off day. I've promised my boyfriend's mum that I would take care of him while they're away in Perth, Australia, which is why I cooked this dish for him. I cooked a whole pot, which is good enough to last for 2 days. Anyway, here's the recipe!~


2 Onions
2 cloves of garlic
4 cm of ginger
half a packet of curry powder (in this case, I used chicken curry powder)
chicken stock
4 potatoes (Peeled and cut into 4 parts)
Chicken (cut into small pieces)
The 4 spices (1 cinnamon stick, 2 cardamom, 4 cloves and 2 star anise)
1 box of coconut milk
Tumeric powder


After cutting your chicken to your desired size, you lather the chicken with tumeric powder, but not too much, just a thin layer. After that, fry the chicken until it is half cooked, so that the chicken will cook easily if you were to cook it later. Set aside to cool afterwards.

Upon peeling the onion, garlic and ginger, toss them in the blender. Put in water about half of these ingredients height in the blender. Blend until smooth. Once done, take the mixture out, and then stir in with the curry powder until you get a thick paste.

Next, heat up the pan with oil, and put in the 4 spices. Once you can smell the aromatic aroma from the spices, you put in your curry paste. If it seems too dry, add in more oil. Stir the mixture  and then let it cook under medium heat. Once you see the oil separating from the mixture, add in the coconut milk. Upon adding, fill the empty coconut milk box twice with water and add into the dish. Stir the mixture slowly until everything is uniform. Add salt taste. After that you add in your chicken and potato. I also added in 2 chilli, cut into halves, just to add colour to my dish.

Now all you have to do is put it on medium heat all the way and wait for your curry to cook. Yum2! Hehe! It's a surprisingly simple dish to make and you should really try it! You can buy instant prata to go along with that and also roti kirai (next recipe). Happy trying!
As indicated, the water level needs to be half of the height of the 3 ingredients in the blender.
Top left hand corner is the blended mixture together with the curry powder.
Top right hand cornor, chicken lathered with tumeric powder.
End result of my chicken curry!

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