Friday, 30 May 2014

#8 Sheperd's Pie

Helllo! It has been a while since I cooked.. Been pretty busy lately, or I'm just tired, that's all. So yesterday I was on vacation leave to attend my boyfriend's graduation ceremony. After the ceremony I decided to make some sheperd's pie. It was a pretty simple dish actually and I thank my boyfriend for the help. Here goes.

1 Onion (finely shopped)
2 cloved of Garlic (finely chopped as well)
300g of minced beef
6 big potatoes (peeled)
About 50g of butter
Half a packet of beef curry powder
6 small aluminium trays (like the cupcakes one)
3 slices of cheddar cheese

First step would be to cut the peeled into quarters. Don't need to be perfect coz you are going to mash these babies up soon. Boil the potatoes in salt water for about 20 minutes. To check, poke a fork into the potatoes. If it easily goes through then you are good to go.

While waiting for the potatoes to cook, you prepare the meat. I wanted to use some carrots but my boyfriend's family does not eat vegetables. Saute the onion and garlic with some oil. Mix the curry powder with a little water like 3 spoonsful, just to make the curry powder like a very thick paste. Then add into the wok. Just keep stirring that, make sure that every bit of the curry is cooked, or else your dish would be spicy. Then, add in the beef. If you have diced carrots, you can include that in as well at this point. Stir the beef, make sure it mixes well with the curry paste, so that every bit of the beef has flavour. Add in a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Let the beef cook, and dry up a little. Make sure it isn't too dry coz it would suck.

By then your potatoes should be done. Mash the potatoes up with like 2 tablespoon of butter. Taste it. If it's bland, put in some salt and pepper to taste.

This part now is very easy. Add the beef as the first layer in the aluminium tray, take half of the cheese slice, and you tear it into small pieces to cover the beef. And then cover with a layer of the mashes potatoes. Do this for the rest of the trays. Place these in a pre-heated over at 180 degrees celcius and bake for about 30 to 40 minutes. For the last 10 minutes baking, change the heat to just the top oven to cook the potato until it becomes light brown. Once you hear the oven *ting*, you're good to go! You can eat with chilli sauce if you want. Bon Apetite!

Happy Trying!

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