Bread Slices
Cinnamon powder
olive oil
Fine Sugar
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Here's a pictorial tutorial on how to fold |
It's super salmon sale at Tampines Giant Hypermart! I got 2 big slices of salmon for only $3.04!! They slashed the price to half. It's reduced to clear so make sure you guys don't store the fish for so long in your fridge!
I'm not a fan of salmon. I don't like the smell once cooked. I only eat raw sashimi Salmon. Yummmz. So this time I'm cooking for my family and boyfriend. Now let's get to it!
First of all, we'll need to marinate the fish. Overnight would be good so it would soak up all the goodness. :) let's assume the fish has been cleaned and cut into desired pieces. As for me, I cut it into 3 parts each. So I got 6.
Marinate Ingredients:
2 tablespoon of Mixed Herbs
Half a lemon (to wash the fish)
Estimated around 7 to 8 tablespoon of Olive Oil
1 tablespoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt (depends on how much fish you have)
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
Cooking Ingredients:
3 Sliced Cheddar cheese
Olive oil for cooking
First and foremost, after preparing your fish, give it a lemon bath. As in wash it with the lemon juice to eliminate the strong fishy smell. Do not soak the fish in lemon juice as the acidity would affect the fish and also your dish will turn out to be sour. Take it from me, I learnt it the hard way. Haha. Okay once that is done, strain the lemon juice off, and add in the marinate ingredients in whatever order you please. Give those babies some love and rub all that goodness on the salmon fillet. You don't have to cut it actually...I just cut it for easy consumption. Once the salmon is fully lathered with the ingredients plus making sure the salt has dissolved and evenly spread, keep it in a container, seal it, and store in the fridge overnight. Or if in a rush, half an hour would do.
The next morning, I took my salmon out, it didn't even smell like fish anymore, coz of the herbs. Which is good haha. Heat up your frying pan, add a little olive oil and then put the salmon, skin face down first so that you can get a crispy skin. Make sure this is done on low heat. Okay so once you see that the bottom half of the fish is turning light orange (cooked), flip it over. Same thing, once it seems to be almost perfectly cooked, flip it over again, and then put a layer of cheese on top of it(flesh side up). For my case was half a cheese each since I cut my salmon into strips of 3. Once you see the cheese has slightly melted, get it off the stove. Repeat this process for the rest of it.
Now for the finishing touch. Place your dish in the microwave for about 30 seconds to melt the cheese even further. Andddd you're done! It's pretty simple actually! Made this for breakfast today. And my parents and boyfriend loved it, so you can be rest assured I didn't give you a bogus recipe. Haha. Happy trying!
And for today's recipe.. It's kangkung Goreng Belacan. The classic. But still yummy!
Ingredients :
1 packet of kangkung, washed and cut
1 medium sized onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2 tablespoon sambal belacan. As for me, I used a packet of sambal belacan.
Some oil for frying
1 teaspoon chicken stock
Instructions :
Heat a pan with some oil, not so much. Add in your onion and sambal belacan. Once the onion starts to caramelise, add in your garlic, coz garlic gets charred easily. Then add in you chicken stock.
Add in your kangkung, and this is gonna be a little messy. Slowly add those in. Make sure it's thoroughly mixed with the sambal belacan mixture, and add 2 tablespoon water just to make sure every inch of the kangkung gets some flavour.
Stir until the water evaporates, and then turn off the heat. And you're done babe! :) picture of the sambal belacan I used is attached. I got that from Batam. Supermarkets sell other brands in such packet too! But this is SUPER SPICY.
Here's the picture of my yummy Honey Garlic Chicken I owe you guys yesterday! I cooked them again today! :) Yummy Yummy! Jempot makan!
If there's one thing I'm good at, it has gotta be whipping up my own chicken recipes! And today, it's garlic honey chicken! Super simple but to make it awesome you will need to use CP Fried Chicken Wings (the picture attached).
9 frozen CP Fried Chicken Wings
2 tablespoon honey
1 table spoon sugar
1 table spoon mixed herbs
A dash of black pepper for garnishing
A dash of white pepper
About 1 tablespoon sesame oil
3 tablespoon olive oil for frying
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon chicken stock
Instructions :
First and foremost, I airfry the chicken wings using my Mayer Airfryer, for a healthier alternative and also coz my chicken will end up being more crispy and thoroughly cooked. Set the time to 15 minutes.
In a pan (medium to low heat), add the olive oil, first of all add in the garlic. Ahhh~~ would you just smell that?? Okay then add in the honey, and sugar. Add in your chicken stock, and then add in your chicken. Stir it well to make sure the chicken is fully covered in honey. And then you add in the mixed herbs, a dash of white pepper and sesame oil. Again, stir well, then turn off the heat. Garnish with black pepper. All these neeeeed to be done quickly so that the chicken won't turn out soggy. Please remember this.
It's seriously as easy as that. It's good by itself without chilli sauce to me. My favourite recipe for Garlic Honey Chicken thus far. Happy trying! :) Sorry pictures unavailable coz I didn't have time to stop myself from devouring it within minutes.
Woooots! It has been forever since my last post! Fret not peepz! Coz I'm back!
So today I cooked a simple sidedish which is fried Eggplant with chilli. The ingredients used isn't much but yet the taste is boom boom pow! Let's not waste time and get to it!
2 Eggplants cut into long quarters
3 tablespoon dried prawns (udang kering)
1 teaspoon chicken stock
1 teaspoon sugar
1 medium sized onion
3 stalks of red chillies
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
2 Candlenut (buah keras)
Salt to taste
Some water
Instructions :
1st of all you would need to wash the dried prawns, candlenut, and the chilli. Peel the onion and cut into quarters. Blend the onion, Candlenut, chilli and dried prawn coarsely, don't add water coz we don't want a paste.
In a pan with some oil, stir fry these blended ingredients with the garlic. Add a dash of salt, not so much coz the dried prawns are salty. Add in your chicken stock and also some sugar to balance the flavour. Mix them up and add about 4 tablespoon of water, and then put in your eggplants. Stir them up all together and make sure every eggplant is covered in the delicious blended ingredients. Once the water dries up, turn off the heat.
And you're done peeps! Simple as that!